Alarm systems play a critical role in emergency situations, informing people in near real time so they can take action. When we think of alarm panels, blaring sounds and flashing lights come to mind. But a lot is also happening behind the scenes. Automated processes can trigger, which could include doors locking or unlocking, a generator powering on, notifications being sent to a device, or data being fed to another local or remote system.
The core components of an alarm panel include audible/visible notification devices, sensors, primary and backup power supplies, and the main control panel. The main CPU of a modern panel will include integrated logic control and networking equipment. Programmable logic controllers can extend the smarts of an alarm system, allowing for a range of automation capability at the edge.
Benefits of IoT Controllers in Alarm Panel Monitoring
An external IoT controller can be connected to alarm panels to add I/O capability and redundancy to a critical system. Here are the main benefits of using a controller as part of an alarm system application.
Monitoring & Redundancy
It’s important that an alarm system is operational 24/7/365. Any lapse can spell disaster. Edge controllers can monitor system health and, in some cases, initiate a remote reboot to resolve software and networking issues.
Critical alerts need to be delivered as quickly as possible. ControlByWeb® devices can be set up to send notifications to external systems milliseconds after an alarm triggers. They can also send scheduled notifications and data logging for peace of mind that everything is working as it should the rest of the time.
An edge controller can be connected to a local or cellular network to send data and commands. Our cellular-enabled controllers also have the option of using cellular as a backup in case the primary Ethernet connection fails—another great redundancy measure.
ControlByWeb devices often fit seamlessly into existing applications, bridging the gap between systems. They can flexibly interact, sending data and commands from the alarm panel to SCADAs, Human-Machine Interface (HMI) displays, and other systems.
Just like the alarm panel itself, a controller can be programmed to receive signals from various sensors, such as motion detectors or window sensors. When a breach is detected, the controller can trigger an alarm or other security responses.
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All Sorts of Alarms
There are a wide variety of alarm systems in use today. Fire alarms and smoke detectors are the first ones that come to mind, but there are also alarms for burglary, environment monitoring, door and access control, and even medical alarms like those that detect falls. Alarm systems can range from complex to (relatively) simple, with built-in HMIs and, potentially, system controllers for audible and visible notification devices. They may also include more advanced networking hardware and even failsafes.
One thing is certain: For most alarm applications, a programmable edge-data controller can be used to enhance operation, cross-connect systems, enrich notifications, and add peace of mind through redundancy. If you are looking to add I/O capability to your alarm application, contact our team or schedule a 15-minute demo.
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