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ControlByWeb™ Customer Experience: Chris Russel

The ease of use, intuitive interface, and reliability of our products have led customers to share their positive ControlByWeb experiences. The following is a letter sent to us by Chris Russell, who helped his mother-in-law and her business partner get their grocery store up and running.

Chris discovered ControlByWeb on his search for a temperature-monitoring solution. He expressed his appreciation for our products—and the tens of thousands of dollars in avoided product loss thanks to the ControlByWeb products he installed for refrigeration monitoring. (Nowadays the FridgeAlert™ offers an even simpler all-in-one solution for temperature monitoring.)

To the staff at ControlByWeb,

From time to time I read the success stories produced by your newsletters and your devices that have made these things happen! It is now time to share mine.

Back in August 2011 I was tasked with helping out my mother-in-law, Jody, and her friend and business partner, Kristel, once they decided to purchase a grocery store located in Bloomfield, Nebraska. Many [purchases and] upgrades took place that first year. One of the items that was discussed after some refrigerated case upgrades was a temperature monitoring device due to a single-zone/one-point system that was left behind by the [previous] owners but went defective after a case change out.

November 2011: At first I was unaware of the ControlByWeb lineup and initially purchased an 8-zone monitoring device by another manufacturer and it ended up being nothing but a pure headache. Within 4 months the small screen failed on the unit. Called manufacturer got it warrantied no problem. 6 months later had another visit to the store and the screen was out again and no more warranty left on the unit. This is when I knew I needed to do something else; how can I depend on this particular unit if the screen keeps going out? There has to be something better and more advanced I kept telling myself. Boy oh boy I was correct.

March 2012: Found ControlByWeb! Purchased and installed two X-310™ units for an additional 8 points of refrigeration monitoring. Right away things where re-routed to put the two ControlByWeb devices in charge of watching over the priority higher-dollar cases and the use of one probe to put a 24-hour check on the old system with the bad screen.

March 2012 ‐ January 2021: ControlByWeb is on 24/7 duty. Countless [ products have been saved ] by these devices due to refrigeration failures, frost performance issues, and case doors left open by customers.

January 2021 ‐ Current: Total hardware update. Purchased new X-406™X-332™, and a small PLC, and changed out all probes. Removed other system with bad screen and consolidated into the X-406.

Within 3 months the new CBW devices proved themselves again after [an overnight] major save: 32 frozen doors, 1 open-style bunker freezer, 1 frozen walk-in and 5 compressors total went off line due to an old defrost heating element failure. A large ground fault occurred that tripped two breakers in two different panels at the exact same time. One, a smaller breaker that governed the element; the other a larger 3-phase 200 amp breaker that governed all 5 compressors that had also tripped to an off state. In this one event CBW devices saved 95% of the store’s frozen inventory. [Emphasis added.]

Over the past 12 years with these devices in action the business has saved in excess of $37,000 in product loss and what could have been Insurance claim deductibles.

Thank you,
Christopher M. Russell

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