The X-600M can be used to connect a large number of I/O, and this video explains how to connect and keep them organized.
Video Transcript
Next, we come to the I/O overview tab. Here, we can view all of the I/Os that have been added to the X-600M, whether that’s through the local expansion or through the local network with other ControlByWeb devices. It should be noted that this page will dynamically update as you continue to add new I/Os. You can go and you can edit and delete I/Os from this page, or you can work through the left hand side for the specific I/Os you would like to make changes to first.
We come to that 1-wire sensor here, we can add temperature or humidity sensors to the X-600M. You can see that that I have already added a 1-wire sensor to the X-600M, but to add or find 1-wire sensors, you can come over here to the add new one wire sensor and then you can see that it has already scanned and found a one wire sensor. We can go in and rename that and give it a description, but if you have other one wire sensors that you continually add the X-600M should find them automatically or you can scan the one wire bus for additional temperature or humidity sensors.
Next, we come to Analog inputs. Here, we can add any new analog inputs or we can edit any analog inputs and make changes to that specific input. I can specify the input number the name, description, and also the slope and offset if I want to have a specific engineered values, and then I can give units as well. There’s also a mode associated with analog inputs and it will depend on the analog input module that you have.
Next, I can come to Counters. These are related to our digital inputs. Our device can count the number of transitions, whether that’s a rise, fall, or both. And if I want to add a counter, if I have a digital input module connected to the X-600M, I can go in and specify the device the number name and description as well.
Next, we come to our Digital inputs. I can come and I can add digital inputs her,e and I can make any changes as well. So when I click add new digital input, I can specify the device, the name, the description, and what type of signal I want the X-600M to pick up on whether, that’s the edge rising, the edge falling, or both.
Next, if I have a Frequency input, I can create that here by clicking the add new frequency input. And I can specify where I’m getting the frequency from, the device the input number, give it a name, a description, and then if I want to have engineer values I can give a slope and an offset.
Same with Input high time, I can come in if I want to add a input high time, I can click the add new input, and I can specify those settings here. If I want to measure the total on time for a digital input, I can come in and add that and specify its settings here as well.
If you plan on using Register values, you can create a new register value by coming and adding a new register value in the top right hand corner. I can specify the name, description, the type, and any units if I want to associate it with the register value.
Next, we come to the Relay tab. Here, I can add a new relay if one hasn’t already been added, I can specify the device, the number, the name, and if I would like to specify a power up status of the relay, I can do that here. If you want to specify any supply voltage values, you can come in and add that here in the list.
And lastly, we come to the Thermocouple. Here, I can come in and if I have any additional X-13s expansion modules, I can come in and add those expansion modules or thermocouple inputs here and I can give it a name and a description as well.