Integrated Sensor Suite


The Integrated Sensor Suite collects several types of weather readings for display such as wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, outside temperature, and outside humidity. This data is sent through the X-422 and displayed online with a user-friendly interface.


Rain gauge

Solar radiation shield

Temperature & humidity sensor

The Davis Sensor Suite combines a rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors, and an anemometer into one package.


The Integrated Sensor Suite (DAVIS-6322C) collects several types of weather readings for display such as wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, outside temperature, and outside humidity. This data is sent through the X-422 and displayed online with a user-friendly interface.

This sensor suite includes sensors to measure:

  • Wind direction and speed (anemometer)
  • Precipitation (tipping bucket rain gauge)
  • Temperature, and humidity

Diagram of the Integrated Sensor Suite with Accessories

Integrated Sensor Suite Diagram
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