In this video, we showcase the General Settings tab within the 400-Series firmware. This includes general settings of the device, network and advanced network settings, email settings, password settings, date & time settings, and the backup and restore functions available on 400-Series devices.
Video Transcript
So here you can see we’re on the General Settings, so this is the first tab inside of the x400 series firmware. It will list the current version that is loaded on the device. The serial number, which also acts as the mac address, the input voltage, internal so this 5 volt is designed for our temperature sensors and it can also be used for contact sensors or water sensors as well. Latitude and longitude, this is a cool feature where you can actually program in where the device is located and you can actually use it for schedule tasks like sunrise and sunset instead of picking a specific time like 8am or 5pm. And then you also have the option to program the temperature sensors units so when it displays on the control page whether it’s Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.
Moving on we have the Network tab, this is where you will be able to insert your IP address. We recommend a static IP address so you can find the unit on your network. There is an option for DHCP, which is where your router on your network will assign the IP address to the unit. So, if I click yes you’ll notice that it is blank and that’s because the router has assigned the network settings. And to get access to the IP address, you need to log into your router and get that information. For the purpose of our webinar today, our demonstration, we’re going to leave that selected as no. And anytime you make any network changes you will need to click submit and then remove power from the unit and then reapply for that specific network change to take effect.
Moving on we have the Advanced Networks tab, this is where you’ll find Modbus, TCP/IP, you can click the address table and it will give you all the different registers and I/O’s that are being used and the specific address you would need to use to access that. Remote services, this is where if you’re using a cloud service, specifically, you would enter in that information here and then our unit will establish the communication. If you’re using SNMP, you can enable that as well. And then there’s the MIB file. And then IP filtering, if you are familiar with that then you would just assign a range for our unit and then it would just utilize an IP address in there. And you’ll notice there “network settings will require a reboot to take effect.”
Next, we have the Email settings tab, and this is important if you want to have email alerts or email to text alerts being sent out. Here I’m just using a free email service SMTP2GO but you can use any type of email server from Gmail, Microsoft, and a host of others. And there will be specific settings to each email server that you would need to program in which i’ve already done here. And once you’re done on the 400 Series devices, you can have up to eight different email addresses, whether that’s going to be phone numbers for email to text and to figure out how to do that you just need to google your specific cell phone carrier settings and then do your phone number and then add those specific settings and then you can get those email to text alerts.
Next is Passwords. Here we have administrator, manager, and user. When you log into the unit initially, if you have for the purposes of this, you can change and have a new password so you can give this out so when you go and access the unit, the username would be admin, and then if you have a manager, manager and then for a user and then just the specific password related to the to the device.
Next, when we move on to Date and Time, we can set the time and date manually or we can have it sync with an NTP server and you can enter in the host name and select how frequently you want on the update based on the NTP server and getting that current time. And then daylight savings you can enable that or disable that as well.
Backup and restore is the next section. This is really useful for firmware updates as our unit will default back to factory when you do a firmware update. So in here you can come in and export the settings as a txt file, and then once you’ve done a firmware update you can come back to the update and restore tab, click import settings, and then have everything, all that hard work that you’ve done uploaded back on the device again. This is also useful let’s say if you had another device that you wanted to upload the same settings to let’s say you have a big project and you have multiple devices and they need to have the same settings, you can come in have a new device, click import settings, you can just use that original file that you downloaded and just click import and it will automatically import all that data that you’ve already done.